My wife wants me to wear lipstick

          At my last job I was responsible for filming and live streaming events. I've filmed footage for a couple online classes and I run three YouTube channels. You wouldn't think filming an advertisement for my wife's makeup company would be a big deal. She wants me to be the model in the commercial though, modeling some girly lip-stuff. 

          How did I get in this mess? Well, for me it started on our wedding day. My wife wanted to kiss me but also wanted to wear lipstick, pink lipstick. I wore lipstick that day, but it was second hand, and I carried a tissue to wipe it off. There is an acceptable way for a man to wear lipstick, and this was it.
          You'd think it would be a good thing that my wife would find a lipstick that was kiss proof, especially when you are as kissable and attractive as I am. I thought it was cool, but I just thought war paint was war paint. My wife became obsessed. She decided she wanted to sell it. I supposed an obsession that improves kisses and makes money was a good thing. Sounds reasonable, right?  Wrong. It crossed a line when the obsession led her to wanting me to wear it, and here we are. It'll just be a commercial she says, just once, but the foot has come down. I try to be a supportive husband, but I have standards.
          Unfortunately, every man has a price. My wife persisted, and to get her off my back I agreed to do her silly video if she would buy me a gun, specifically a Glock. She just might do it too, and I can't decide if that's a bad thing. I really want that gun. My wife got her first shipment as a distributor this week, and has already sold about $70 of product, and has another $50 in pending sells. Again, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I was hoping it would take her longer to have success, giving her time to forget our little deal. Don't get me wrong, I wanted her to be successful, but at what cost? Alas, don't be surprised if I'm sporting some glossy chops in the near future. If you trade your man card for a gun, have you really lost your man card? Moral dilemmas.
          If you are interested in what my wife is up to, or in  contributing to the sick caused of seeing me rock some Lipsense, click below to go to her Facebook Page. Or don't.


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