
Showing posts from 2021

The Grind- The Last Few Months of Apocalyptic Prepping

Social Media entrepreneurs talk about "the hustle" and "the grind" like they're a beautiful, wonderful, magical thing. Like they're the entrepreneurial magic fairy dust that they love, and that makes their life worth living.  The truth is- the grind sucks. It's doing all the little, routine, boring things every day. Consistently.  And "the hustle?" That's trying to do multiple days worth of boring, routine, little things all in one day.  The grind isn't fun, but we stick with it because it makes all the difference. Eventually we can outsource the tasks we dislike the most. Then with more success, we can outsource even more. We hustle, we try to move as quick as possible, so we can make that happen even faster.  Right now there are 3 tasks that I force myself to grind out on my website every day. 1 of the 3 I really enjoy, writing new material. One I don't like at all- going back and updating one of my older posts, making sure the am

RentalShare Utah: Getting Paid to Let Someone Else Store My Stuff

I love passive income. Those who know me also know I love saving money. Finding ways to turn expenses into income just makes me giddy. Here was the situation. I enjoy outdoor activities and have a lot of gear — more than I should have. Like, I’ve got 7 sleeping bags right now for my family of 3, and about that many sleeping pads  and hammocks . There’s a lot. I also have a lot of gear that I don’t use all that often, but I don’t really want to get rid of it. I probably should get rid of it, but I don’t want to. To my wife who watches organization shows, yes, my snorkels I have never used bring me joy, which means I get to keep them! Thank you Marie Kondo. The issue becomes, what am I going to do with all this stuff? We just upgraded from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom apartment. I was feeling pretty good about this until we moved all our stuff into it. 4 months into our new place and we’ve filled up that space. Whoopsies. I even still had a kayak sitting in my in-laws garage and

A Look at March 2021 for Apocalyptic Prepping Website

Extremely Successful This month, March 2021, has been pretty successful for Apocalyptic Prepping . Below is the growth in different categories: Money Made: $3.19 (up from $1.86) Amazon Sales: 14 (up from 3) Email List: 8 (up from 2) Facebook Page Likes: 63 (up from 32) Page Views: 1291 (down from 1797) My main takeaways were that I had less people, but I'm attracting the right people. My content is also driving more sales to people who are coming to my website, so that is exciting. The increases in page likes and email list subscribers are also a sign that I'm attracting the right people. I've been learning SEO My biggest lesson of the month about SEO is about nofollow and sponsored marked links. There are ways you can mark your affiliate/money making links as sponsored. I was doing research and apparently  google can penalize you for having your links not marked as such and they notice your affiliate links are in fact affiliate links and not just links to another site. Yo

Creating a Website that Makes Money

This website was originally intended to be part of my journey to make millions of dollars. Over the few years I've run it though, it has made me about $200. That's enough to justify continuing to pay for the URL, but that's about it. I have a wide variety of interests though, so I have started a few other websites, and have written about them all here. None of them have been very profitable. Until now. My current website I'm working on is  (I'm pretty proud of that URL). That website has been live for 3 days and I just checked my amazon affiliate page, and someone had ordered something through one of my links. I was pretty thrilled. This led to me doing more research into conversions, why people were ordering, and why this website was making money better after 3 days than any of my other websites. Traffic coming to Apocalyptic Prepping: The audience is key for why I believe this website is already making money. I'm creating my content for