
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Grind- The Last Few Months of Apocalyptic Prepping

Social Media entrepreneurs talk about "the hustle" and "the grind" like they're a beautiful, wonderful, magical thing. Like they're the entrepreneurial magic fairy dust that they love, and that makes their life worth living.  The truth is- the grind sucks. It's doing all the little, routine, boring things every day. Consistently.  And "the hustle?" That's trying to do multiple days worth of boring, routine, little things all in one day.  The grind isn't fun, but we stick with it because it makes all the difference. Eventually we can outsource the tasks we dislike the most. Then with more success, we can outsource even more. We hustle, we try to move as quick as possible, so we can make that happen even faster.  Right now there are 3 tasks that I force myself to grind out on my website every day. 1 of the 3 I really enjoy, writing new material. One I don't like at all- going back and updating one of my older posts, making sure the am