The Day a Dude Tried to Sell Me Leggings: LuLaRoe

I remember the day my buddy tried to sell me women’s clothing. He was telling me all about how comfortable they were, how much I’d like them, how much my wife would like them, and how I should get them for her, but if I wanted some too he would be happy to sell to me. Hard pass. I watched my buddy Matt and his wife get into LuLaroe and have seen their experience up until now. This is their story.

They got into the company because he and his wife wanted a business opportunity to do together. Money was a factor, but not the primary factor. They wanted to see if their ideas could blossom. It’s hard to imagine money not being the primary factor in business. Matt was initially horrified of Multi-level Marketing companies. He was worried about the price mark-ups that have to happen in these companies, and he was also worried about challenges in selling. I was shocked when Matt told me they were going to get started, and that they were going to take out a $7,000 loan to do so. I was worried for him. That is a lot of money when you live on a student wage. I tried to talk him out of it at the time, but he got a title loan on his car. Matt and his wife used most of that money to buy inventory and clothing racks. They were invested.

It was especially hard for them to get started because it took the company a while to get their inventory to them. In the time it took them to get their inventory, they saw the pool of distributors in their area triple. Although most MLMs are designed to encourage teamwork, Matt and his wife experienced a lot of competition, especially when they were just starting out. Things got hard and they were about to throw in the towel, which is why Matt had come to me trying to sell me leggings and dresses. They were doing a close out sell, trying to recoup their initial investment and pay off their loan.

In doing their “final” sale, they experienced a fair amount of success, and they decided to stick with it. Things have become less frantic for them, and they have explored different social media venues for selling their items.

The biggest thing is probably that it gives his wife something she can be in charge of. It has been a big learning experience for them, even though they haven't made much money from it so far. They have learned how to keep track of an inventory, how to talk to people, and how to sell things. It has been a major learning experience to them, and that is the most important thing.

My wife has an obsession, albeit a controllable one, with LuLaroe Leggings. LuLaroe is, primarily, a women's clothing producer and distribution company. It is done in a multi-level model. It is for primarily women who need unique hours. Styles and fabrics are picked to fit on every body shape comfortably. It is designed to help people feel beautiful, and to help their consultants feel empowered.

As a special deal to my readers, they are willing to let you host a pop-up sale with your friends (either in person or online--though people buy a lot more in person) and for every 10 items sold at your pop up you can get a free item of your choice, if you're the kind of person that likes wearing such things. I'm not.


  1. Join Elise's Facebook group if you like LuLaRoe clothing, or if you're just interested in what they're doing to market themselves online! These guys are awesome!

  2. Whaaaat? lol you guys are great.


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