Making Millions? I'm Getting There

          I've never held a million dollars in my hand. I've never actually owned a million dollars. If you were to add up all the money I've earned in my life up to this point, my own personal gross profits, it wouldn't total one million, or even half that. I don't even have a degree in finance or accounting. I'm your average millennial white kid. What makes me special? I have earned two degrees without any student loans. I own two vehicles, free and clear. I started a successful business, ran it for twelve years, and sold it for a good profit. My wife calls me a crazy coupon lady, I'm insured, I have a job, and my grandmother thinks I'm awesome. Most importantly, I am going to be a millionaire.
          The American dream for our parents was that they could be whatever they wanted to be, and they could do whatever they wanted to do. Our parents and grandparents saw the rise of the millionaire and the billionaire, and our generation will almost certainly see the rise of the trillionaire. As I write this, trillionaire is underlined in red. Spell check doesn't think it is a real word, but it will be. The American dream for our generation is to be a millionaire. To many of us, we feel that if we aren't on track to be a millionaire, we're getting left behind. We're scared to have kids because we can barely afford our own lives, let alone sustain another one. Many of us are in college, we don't know why, but they tell us we need to in order to make more money. We're so busy pursuing money that it is running our lives. I'm attempting to flip that around. I want to live comfortably, and have money to run my life how I want to. I want to be able to afford to follow my dreams. This blog will show how I'm doing that, and how anyone can do that. 
          I'm going to show what I've done to make money and to save money. I'm going to show how I made major life decisions. If I fall flat on my face, you'll be able to see what I did so you don't do the same thing. We're the generation of millionaires. Lets make our millions.
What am I up to now? Now I'm running a website on emergency preparedness called Apocalyptic Prepping. Check it out!


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  2. The earliest type of roulette is claimed to have been invented in a monastary in France within the seventeenth century. In an try and build a machine that might revolve endlessly without a a|with no} need for power from an outdoor supply, a physicist failed, but a roulette wheel was bet365 born. Positive progression techniques involve rising the size of 1's bet when one wins.


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